Frequently asked questions

 What are alterations?

Alterations are minor adjustments to specific clothing parts for a better fit. It focuses on certain garment parts that require shorting, lengthening, and tightening of sleeves, pants, blouses, etc.

Do I need a fitting? Yes, fittings are a requirement for custom services.

Why are fittings required? Fittings are the foundation of the desired fit, making them a requirement.

How should I prepare for my fitting? It would help if you prepared for your fitting(s) by bringing the requested items your designer/seamstress asked of you. For example, you should get all undergarments, shape-wear, shoes that you will be wearing with the garment you're having constructed, and any other items that will be helpful to this process. be prepared to stay a while as fittings can be lengthy.

How many fittings will I need? You will need as many fittings as possible to get the desired fit.

How much are custom garment services? The customized garment cost can be by fabrications, materials, labor, sourcing, travel, and shipping cost, which is unique to each client.

What is your deposit for the cost of garment services? A deposit of 1/3 (75%) of the price for custom garments deposits.

What is a consultation? A consultation is a meeting with an expert or professional to seek advice.

Do I need a consultation? Yes, we recommend that you invest in an in-person or online consultation with us so we can discuss your design interest, the process, and the cost. It helps us to determine if we are an excellent fit for you—the way the exchange of information allows us to know if we are a match.

How should I prepare for a consultation? It would help if you wrote down any questions regarding the custom garment process. We recommend you provide us with 3 to 5 color choices, fabric interests, silhouette styles, inspirational pictures, and videos. 

Do a consultation guarantee me a booking? No. Only a deposit and a signed contract guarantee a custom service booking. However, you are a prospective client, and we would love to earn your business.

What services can you expect to receive when under contract? Once you retain HYVOLTAGE's customized services, you can expect in-depth customized services: Fabric and material sourcing, swatches, sketches, styling services, custom garment services, and more.

What services can you expect to receive without being under contract?

Without being under contract, we will not be able to extend any of our under-contract services to you; for example, we will not be able to provide you with fabric swatches, sourcing, sketching, designing, etc. However, we will be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding our services and products.

How important is it for you to meet your financial obligations on time? You must complete your financial obligations on time; if not, this will result in a stop in the production of your goods and services, resulting in delays in scheduled pick-ups.

When can I expect to receive my custom garment? You can expect to receive your custom garment on the requested date unless you have not met the required obligations.